This web page is sort of like our house. It’s been under construction for the last 7 years, and we’ve just sort of gotten used to it as it is. Please don’t tell me everything you find wrong, I probably already know about it. Save us both some time. I already know that you can’t always be sure what door to come in. There’s no trim up. There’s a hideous spot on the dining room carpet. And there’s a chicken on the porch. And probably a goat.
When we first started building this house I said that we would never invite anyone over until it was done. Same with the web page. It’s just that now I realized that neither of them will ever really be done to my satisfaction, and I just may as well invite people over anyway. With the house, I just overwhelm guests with fine cooking, candlelight and brilliant conversation. And alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Too bad that doesn’t work as well on the web page.
So until I get all this stuff done come on in. Make yourself comfortable. Have a look around. If you get lost just holler. Someone will eventually find you. Don’t go out the back door. The deck isn’t there yet and it’s a long way to the bottom.
And don’t trip over the goat.